Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Hike

I tried something different with this picture and used my new studio set up to paint (see below).  First, I was used Canson Montvale watercolor block on a table top easel instead of painting on a flat surface. Second, I finally used fresh paint from the tube, instead of dried paint in a travel set.

The point of the painting was to work fast and rough (still need to get better flicking paint and water onto the paper) and not worry about details.  The final result was quite satisfying.

                                     Watercolor on 140lbs watercolor block 9x12

Here is my new set up, with the watercolor block (it is bound on all four sides which prevents curling of the paper and the need to tape it down), table top easel and the porcelain butcher tray.   I had to adjust the lighting but I am quite happy with how my studio is starting to take shape.

                                                          The Set Up

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